How many times have you sent out expensive printed flyers with no idea if they have been viewed, never mind brought a return on your investment?
Email marketing campaigns are used by companies who want to increase sales, grow existing revenue streams, interact and communicate with their customers. A properly planned and targeted Peachy Spot e-marketing campaigns can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.
Use targeted email campaigns to identify and reach the people who are interested in your brand and your product. Identify people who actually received your e-mail, who opened it, what links they clicked on. This provides invaluable information that you can use to follow up with increased knowledge and confidence.
E-marketing allows you to promote your company without being tied into a contract, get the results you’re after, whether that’s increasing revenues, providing customer support or vital communications within your business.
If your thinking about an email marketing campaign, then please give us a call.